Product Specifications Liquid Sugars

Bundaberg Premium Liquid Sugar is a refined liquid sugar produced by remelting low colour granular sugar. Besides its low colour, it is also a low impurities liquid sugar.

Premium Liquid Sugar is produced from low colour granular sugar to meet those food applications requiring the lowest colour and impurity level.

Premium Liquid Sugar must be stored in an environment free of microbiological activity.

CriteriaMethodDescriptionSpecificationTypical Value
AppearanceVisualClear straw coloured liquid, free from apparent extraneous matter, suspended solids and crystalline matter.CompliesComplies
Taste and OdourTaste and SmellFree from abnormal tastes and odours.CompliesComplies
Total Disolved Soids (TSD)PT 22degrees Brix.66 - 6867
Total SugarCalculate% w/w TDS minimum (by difference).99.899.9
Reducing SugarPT 14% w/w TDS maximum.0.050.03
AshPT 12% w/w maximum.0.030.01
ColourPT 36ICUMSA units maximum.5033
pHPT 9units.6.0 - 8.07
Microbiological CountICUMSACounts/ml maximum.2002
YeastsPT 7Count/10g maximum.100
MouldsPT 7Count/10g maximum.100

Bundaberg Fine Liquid Sugar is a refined liquid sugar produced prior to Crystallisation.

Fine Liquid Sugar is suitable in fermentation applications with low impurity and colour requirements.

Fine Liquid Sugar must be stored in an environment free of bacterial activity.

CriteriaMethodDescriptionSpecificationTypical Value
AppearanceVisualClear Straw Coloured Liquid, free from apparent extraneous matter, suspended solids, and crystalline matter.Must complyComplies
Taste and OdourTaste and SmellFree from abnormal taste and aromas.Must complyComplies
ColourPT 36ICUMSA units max.300Complies
Total SolidsPT 23Brix.66.0-68.067
pHPT 9Units.6.0-8.07

Bundaberg Fine Invert Syrup is a straw coloured syrup, as a result of inversion of sucrose syrup..

Fine Invert Syrup is used mainly in baking applications.

Fine Invert Syrup is not readily prone to insect or bacterial attack and should be stored in cool,dry conditions.

AppearanceVisualStraw coloured liquid, free from apparent extraneous matter.Complies
Taste and OdourTaste and SmellFree from abnormal taste and aromas.Complies
Total SolidsPT 23 or PT 22degrees Brix.71 - 73
ColourPT 36ICUMSA units maximum.1000
Reducing sugar (Invert)PT 14% w/w TDS minimum.90
AshPT 12% w/w maximum.0.5
pHPT 9Units maximum.5.5

Bundaberg Golden Syrup is a golden coloured, viscous liquid with a strong flavour and aroma. It is produced by decolourising a partially hydrolysed sugar syrup mixture.

Golden Syrup is used in baking and fillings especially where extra flavour and sweetness are required (relative to sucrose).

Golden Syrup is not readily prone to insect or bacterial attack.

CriteriaMethodDescriptionSpecificationTypical Value
AppearanceVisualClear, golden brown viscous liquid, free from apparent extraneous matter.Must complyComplies
Taste and OdourTaste and SmellFree from abnormal taste and aromas.Must complyComplies
SucrosePT 27% w/w.25.0-30.028
Total SolidsPT 21% w/w.80.0-84.082
ColourICUMSAICUMSA units.3000-110007000
Reducing SugarsPT 14% w/w.45.0-50.047.5
AshPT 10% w/w.2.5-3.53
Water ContentCalculate% w/w.16.0-20.018
pHPT 9Units maximum.76.5

Bundaberg Treacle is a dark brown to black coloured, viscous liquid with a strong flavour and aroma. It is produced by partially hydrolysing a sugar syrup mixture.

Treacle is used in baking and confectionery items, especially where extra flavour and sweetness are required (relative to sucrose).

Treacle is not readily prone to insect or bacterial attack.

CriteriaMethodDescriptionSpecificationTypical Value
AppearanceVisualClear, dark brown to black viscous liquid, free from apparent extraneous matter.Must complyComplies
Taste and OdourTaste and SmellFree from abnormal taste and aromas.Must complyComplies
SucrosePT 27% w/w.23.0-28.026.8
Total SolidsPT 21% w/w.80.0-84.081.8
Reducing SugarsPT 14% w/w.44.0-49.046.5
AshPT 10% w/w.3.5-5.54
Water ContentCalculate% w/w.16.0-20.018.2
pHPT 95.5-7.06.5

Bundaberg refinery molasses is a thick black liquid produced as the final syrup in the sugar refining process.

Refinery molasses is used in baking and confectionery items, especially where extra flavour is required.

Refinery molasses is not readily prone to insect or bacterial attack.

CriteriaMethodDescriptionSpecificationTypical Value
AppearanceVisualBlack viscous liquid.CompliesComplies
Taste and OdourTaste and SmellFree from abnormal tastes and odours.CompliesComplies
SucrosePT 27% w/w (dry basis) minimum.4048
Total SolidsPT 28% w/w minimum.7577
AshPT 10% w/w maximum.159
Densityg/ml minimum.1.31.4